Ammeter vs. Galvanometer

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A device that measures the magnitude of an electric current, especially one calibrated in amperes.


A contraction of amperometer or ampèremeter.


a meter that measures the flow of electrical current in amperes


An ammeter (abbreviation of Ampere meter) is a measuring instrument used to measure the current in a circuit. Electric currents are measured in Amperes (A), hence the name.


(physics) A device used to indicate the presence and direction of a small electric current, especially used to detect a null or balanced condition in a bridge circuit.


An instrument or apparatus for measuring the intensity of an electric current, usually by the deflection of a magnetic needle.


meter for detecting or comparing or measuring small electric currents


A galvanometer is an electromechanical measuring instrument for electric current. Early galvanometers were uncalibrated, but improved versions, called ammeters, were calibrated and could measure the flow of current more precisely.

Ammeter Illustrations

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