Anglican vs. Methodist

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English; of or pertaining to England or the English nation; especially, pertaining to, or connected with, the established church of England; as, the Anglican church, doctrine, orders, ritual, etc.


Pertaining to, characteristic of, or held by, the high church party of the Church of England.


A member of the Church of England.


In a restricted sense, a member of the High Church party, or of the more advanced ritualistic section, in the Church of England.


a Protestant who is a follower of Anglicanism


of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Anglican church;


One who follows a method.


One who observes method.


One of an ancient school of physicians who rejected observation and founded their practice on reasoning and theory.


One of a sect of Christians, the outgrowth of a small association called the "Holy Club," formed at Oxford University, a. d. 1729, of which the most conspicuous members were John Wesley and his brother Charles Wesley; - originally so called from the methodical strictness of members of the club in all religious duties.


A person of strict piety; one who lives in the exact observance of religious duties; - sometimes so called in contempt or ridicule.


Of or pertaining to the sect of Methodists; as, Methodist hymns; a Methodist elder.


a follower of Wesleyanism as practiced by the Methodist Church


of or pertaining to or characteristic of the branch of Protestantism adhering to the views of Wesley;

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