The property of being directionally dependent.
The degree to which this property is exhibited.
the property of being anisotropic; having a different value when measured in different directions
Anisotropy () is the property of a material which allows it to change or assume different properties in different directions as opposed to isotropy. It can be defined as a difference, when measured along different axes, in a material's physical or mechanical properties (absorbance, refractive index, conductivity, tensile strength, etc.) An example of anisotropy is light coming through a polarizer.
The property of being identical, or having the same physical properties, in all directions.
Uniformity of physical properties in all directions in a body; absence of all kinds of polarity; specifically, equal elasticity in all directions.
(physics) the property of being isotropic; having the same value when measured in different directions
Isotropy is uniformity in all orientations; it is derived from the Greek isos (ἴσος, ) and tropos (τρόπος, ). Precise definitions depend on the subject area.