Boa vs. Poa

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Any of a group of large American snakes, of the genus Boa, subfamily Boinae, or family Boidae, including the boa constrictor, the emperor boa of Mexico, and the chevalier boa of Peru.


(plural "boas") A type of scarf typically made from feathers.


A genus of large American serpents, including the boa constrictor, the emperor boa of Mexico (Boa imperator), and the chevalier boa of Peru (Boa eques).


A long, round fur tippet; - so called from its resemblance in shape to the boa constrictor.


a long thin fluffy scarf of feathers or fur


any of several chiefly tropical constrictors with vestigial hind limbs


a constrictor snake which bears live young and may reach great size, native to America, Africa, Asia, and some Pacific islands.


(in general use) any snake which is a constrictor.


a long, thin decorative scarf made of feathers or a similar material, worn by women at parties or as part of fancy dress


Any grass of the genus Poa, especiallu Poa annua.


A genus of grasses, including a great number of species, as the kinds called meadow grass, Kentucky blue grass, June grass, and spear grass (which see).


chiefly perennial grasses of cool temperate regions


Poa is a genus of about 500 species of grasses, native to the temperate regions of both hemispheres. Common names include meadow-grass (mainly in Europe and Asia), bluegrass (mainly in North America), tussock (some New Zealand species), and speargrass.

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