Bocce vs. Boccie

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A game, similar to bowls or pétanque, played on a long, narrow, dirt-covered court


One of the eight balls that the player throws in a game of bocce.


Italian lawn bowling (played on a long narrow dirt court)


an Italian game similar to bowls but played on a shorter, narrower green.


Bocce (, or , Italian: [ˈbɔttʃe]), sometimes anglicized as bocce ball, bocci or boccie, is a ball sport belonging to the boules family, closely related to British bowls and French pétanque, with a common ancestry from ancient games played in the Roman Empire. Developed into its present form in Italy, bocce is played around Europe and also in other areas with Italian immigrants, including Australia, North America, and South America, principally Argentina and Rio Grande do Sul.


alternative spelling of bocce


Italian lawn bowling (played on a long narrow dirt court)

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