Bogeywoman vs. Bogeyman

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A female bogeyman.


A menacing, ghost-like monster in children's stories.


(by extension) Any make-believe threat, especially one used to intimidate or distract.


A goblin; a bugbear; a bogey{1}. This is the form used by parents to frighten children; as, if you don't eat your vegetables, the bogeyman will get you.


an imaginary monster used to frighten children


The Bogeyman (; also spelled boogeyman, bogyman, bogieman, boogie monster, boogie man, or boogie woogie) is a type of mythic creature used by adults to frighten children into good behavior. Bogeymen have no specific appearance and conceptions vary drastically by household and culture, but they are most commonly depicted as masculine or androgynous monsters that punish children for misbehavior.

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