A cutting board, especially for cutting bread.
A pull-out cutting board underneath a counter, found in many kitchens.
(electronics) A reusable solderless device used to build a (usually temporary) prototype of an electronic circuit and for experimenting with circuit designs.
(transitive) To set up (an electronic device) on a breadboard.
a wooden or plastic board on which dough is kneaded or bread is sliced
A breadboard, or protoboard, is a construction base for prototyping of electronics. Originally the word referred to a literal bread board, a polished piece of wood used when slicing bread.
A type of prototyping board characterized by a ⅒″ regular rectangular grid of holes, with wide parallel strips of copper cladding running in one direction all the way across one side of the board.
A piece of given dimensions of such a prototyping board.
Stripboard is the generic name for a widely used type of electronics prototyping board characterized by a 0.1 inches (2.54 mm) regular (rectangular) grid of holes, with wide parallel strips of copper cladding running in one direction all the way across one side of the board. It is commonly also known by the name of the original product Veroboard, which is a trademark, in the UK, of British company Vero Technologies Ltd and Canadian company Pixel Print Ltd.