Bucentaur vs. Mythical

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A supposed mythical monster, half ox, half man.


A Venetian barge modelled on the state barge (called Bucentaur) used annually on Ascension Day in the ancient ceremony of the marriage of the state with the Adriatic.


A fabulous monster, half ox, half man.


The state barge of Venice, used by the doge in the ceremony of espousing the Adriatic.


The bucentaur ( bew-SEN-tor; bucintoro in Italian and Venetian) was the state barge of the doges of Venice. It was used every year on Ascension Day (Festa della Sensa) up to 1798 to take the doge out to the Adriatic Sea to perform the – a ceremony that symbolically wedded Venice to the sea.


Existing in myth.


(by extension) Not real; false or fabricated.


based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity;

Bucentaur Illustrations

Mythical Illustrations

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