Cognac vs. Armagnac

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A brandy distilled from white wine in the region around Cognac in France.


A kind of French brandy, so called from the town of Cognac.


high quality grape brandy distilled in the Cognac district of France


a high-quality brandy, strictly speaking that distilled in Cognac in western France


Cognac ( KON-yak, also US: KOHN-, KAWN-, French: [kɔɲak] (listen)) is a variety of brandy named after the commune of Cognac, France. It is produced in the surrounding wine-growing region in the departments of Charente and Charente-Maritime.


dry brandy distilled in the Armagnac district of France


Armagnac (, French: [aʁmaɲak]) is a distinctive kind of brandy produced in the Armagnac region in Gascony, southwest France. It is distilled from wine usually made from a blend of grapes including Baco 22A, Colombard, Folle blanche and Ugni blanc, traditionally using column stills rather than the pot stills used in the production of cognac, which is made only from ugni blanc grapes.

Cognac Illustrations

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