(uncountable) The right by law to be the entity which determines who may publish, copy and distribute a piece of writing, music, picture or other work of authorship.
(countable) Such an exclusive right as it pertains to one or more specific works.
To obtain or secure a copyright for some literary or other artistic work.
The right of an author or his assignee, under statute, to print and publish his literary or artistic work, exclusively of all other persons. This right may be had in maps, charts, engravings, plays, and musical compositions, as well as in books.
To secure a copyright on.
a document granting exclusive right to publish and sell literary or musical or artistic work
secure a copyright on a written work;
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time. The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form.
(rare) To write the copy (or text) of an advertisement; to have a job as a copywriter.