Electrophoresis vs. Electrophoresed

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(electricity) the migration of electrically charged molecules through a medium under the influence of an electric field


(analytical chemistry) (biochemistry), a method for the separation and analysis of large molecules (such as proteins) by migrating a colloidal solution of them through a gel; gel electrophoresis


the motion of charged molecules or particles in a liquid medium under the influence of an electric field; particles with a positive charge move toward the cathode and negative to the anode.


the application of the principle of electrophoresis to separate molecules, used as an analytical or preparative technique; as, separation by electrophoresis; gel electrophoresis.


the motion of charged particles in a colloid under the influence of an electric field; particles with a positive charge go to the cathode and negative to the anode


Electrophoresis (from the Greek meaning ) is the motion of dispersed particles relative to a fluid under the influence of a spatially uniform electric field. Electrophoresis of positively charged particles (cations) is sometimes called cataphoresis, while electrophoresis of negatively charged particles (anions) is sometimes called anaphoresis.


simple past tense and past participle of electrophorese


Produced by, or subjected to electrophoresis

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