The act or process of filtering; the mechanical separation of a liquid from the undissolved particles floating in it.
The act or process of filtering; the mechanical separation of a liquid from the undissolved particles floating in it.
the process whereby fluids pass through a filter or a filtering medium
the act of changing a fluid by passing it through a filter
the action or process of filtering something
Filtration is a physical or chemical separation process that separates solid matter and fluid from a mixture using a filter medium that has a complex structure through which only the fluid can pass. Solid particles that cannot pass through the filter medium are described as oversize and the fluid that passes through is called the filtrate.
The process in which mixtures are separated using the centripetal force generated by spinning in a centrifuge.
the process of separating substances by the use of a centrifuge.
the process of separating substances by the use of a centrifuge
Centrifugation is a mechanical process which involves the use of the centrifugal force to separate particles from a solution according to their size, shape, density, medium viscosity and rotor speed. The more dense components of the mixture migrate away from the axis of the centrifuge, while the less dense components of the mixture migrate towards the axis.