Someone who is from the hills; especially from a rural area, with a connotation of a lack of refinement or sophistication.
A white person from the rural southern part of the United States, especially the Southeastern states.
To emphasize one's rural or humble upbringing; to use unsophisticated charm.
To portray or act as an uneducated and unsophisticated fool.
To perform or experience stereotypically hillbilly-like actions.
a disparaging term for an unsophisticated person
an unsophisticated country person, as associated originally with the remote regions of the Appalachians.
old-fashioned term for country music
is a term (often derogatory) for people who dwell in rural, mountainous areas in the United States, primarily in southern Appalachia and the Ozarks. The term was later used to refer to people from other rural and mountainous areas west of the Mississippi river too, particularly those of the Rocky Mountains and near the Rio Grande.The first known instances of in print were in The Railroad Trainmen's Journal (vol.
A poor, rural, usually white and male, person from the Southern United States or parts of the Midwest and northeast, especially one who is unsophisticated and backward; sometimes with additional connotations of being rude, racist, and/or arrogant.
Any of the miners who wore red bandanas for identification during the West Virginia mine war of 1921.
A member of a certain Baltimore street gang, active in 1859.
A Roman Catholic.
a poor white person in the southern United States
a working-class white person from the southern US, especially a politically reactionary one
Redneck is a derogatory term chiefly, but not exclusively, applied to white Americans perceived to be crass and unsophisticated, closely associated with rural whites of the Southern United States. Its usage is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Texas, Georgia, and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks), and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).