Microgauss vs. Gauss

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(physics) A unit of magnetic field strength equal to one millionth of a gauss


a unit of magnetic flux density equal to one millionth of a gauss


The unit of magnetic field strength in CGS systems of units, equal to 0.0001 tesla.


The C.G.S. unit of density of magnetic field, equal to a field of one line of force per square centimeter, being thus adopted as an international unit at Paris in 1900; sometimes used as a unit of intensity of magnetic field. It was previously suggested as a unit of magnetomotive force.


Karl F. Gauss, a German mathematician.


a unit of magnetic flux density equal to 1 maxwell per square centimeter


German mathematician who developed the theory of numbers and who applied mathematics to electricity and magnetism and astronomy and geodesy (1777-1855)

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