The adsorption of a material that was previously removed from a surface
(physics) The subsequent absorption of emitted radiation
(physiology) The subsequent absorption of a secreted substance
The act or process of reabsorbing.
the organic process in which the substance of some differentiated structure that has been produced by the body undergoes lysis and assimilation
the process of absorbing something again
In renal physiology, reabsorption or tubular reabsorption is the process by which the nephron removes water and solutes from the tubular fluid (pre-urine) and returns them to the circulating blood. It is called reabsorption (and not absorption) both because these substances have already been absorbed once (particularly in the intestines) and because the body is reclaiming them from a postglomerular fluid stream that is well on its way to becoming urine (that is, they will soon be lost to the urine unless they are reclaimed).