Synthesis vs. Biosynthesis

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The formation of something complex or coherent by combining simpler things.


(chemistry) The reaction of elements or compounds to form more complex compounds.


(logic) A deduction from the general to the particular.


(philosophy) The combination of thesis and antithesis.


(military) In intelligence usage, the examining and combining of processed information with other information and intelligence for final interpretation.


(rhetoric) An apt arrangement of elements of a text, especially for euphony.


Composition, or the putting of two or more things together, as in compounding medicines.


The art or process of making a compound by putting the ingredients together, as contrasted with analysis; thus, water is made by synthesis from hydrogen and oxygen; hence, specifically, the building up of complex compounds by special reactions, whereby their component radicals are so grouped that the resulting substances are identical in every respect with the natural articles when such occur; thus, artificial alcohol, urea, indigo blue, alizarin, etc., are made by synthesis.


The combination of separate elements of thought into a whole, as of simple into complex conceptions, species into genera, individual propositions into systems; - the opposite of analysis.


the process of producing a chemical compound (usually by the union of simpler chemical compounds)


the combination of ideas into a complex whole


reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect)


(biochemistry) The synthesis of organic compounds within a living organism, especially the synthesis of large compounds from small ones.


production of a chemical compound by a living organism.


the production of chemical substances by use of reagents or enzymes derived from living organisms, in reactions modeled on those observed in living organisms.


production of a chemical compound by a living organism


Biosynthesis is a multi-step, enzyme-catalyzed process where substrates are converted into more complex products in living organisms. In biosynthesis, simple compounds are modified, converted into other compounds, or joined together to form macromolecules.

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