Select the Right Helping Verb


Modals are those helping verbs, used to express action like ability, power, permision, request, possibility, willingness,etc.

Correct use of Modals

Various mistakes are committed in the use of different modals both in speaking and writing. It is because many people do not know certain facts about modals and do not use them according to the rules of grammar but according to their own convenience. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the proper use of modals.

Use of Would

  • As the future tense of Past in Indirect Speech.
  • To express Past Habit.
  • To express Determination.
  • To express Suggestion.
  • To express Polite Request.
  • To express Wish or Desire.
  • To express Preference.
  • To express Condition.

Examples :

  1. He said that he would not take tea.
  2. She would go out for a walk daily.
  3. I would stand by him.
  4. Would you study regularly?


Use of Could

  • Past Tense of Power.
  • Past Tense of Ability.
  • Polite Request.
  • Past Tense of Possibility.
  • Feeling of Impatience.
  • As a Phrase in Past Tense.


  1. He asked me if I could help him.
  2. He could sing and speak well.
  3. Could you lend me your book?
  4. What could I do now?


Use of Might

  • The Past Tense of May.
  • Purpose.
  • Remote Possibility.
  • Possibility.
  • Permission.
  • Future Condition.
  • Good Wishes in the Past.


  1. The teacher said that he might go home.
  2. He ran fast so that he might catch the train.
  3. He has not worked hard, but he might pass.
  4. The teacher said that I might win a scholarship.


I wish you _____ go away! (Wish or Desire)

If she works hard, she _____ top the class. (Future Condition)

How _____ it happen? (Feeling of Impatience)

I asked him if I _____ see his watch. (Past Tense of May)

The doctor said that the patient _____ recover soon. (Possibility)

_____ you take care of your health? (Suggestion)

If I were rich, I _____ buy a car. (Condition)

He ______ sing and speak well. (Paste Tense of Ability)

I asked him if the Headmaster _____ give me admission. (Past Tense of Power)

You _____ have caught the train if you had run fast. (Past Tense of Possibility)

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Questions Answer
I wish you _____ go away! (Wish or Desire)
If she works hard, she _____ top the class. (Future Condition)
How _____ it happen? (Feeling of Impatience)
I asked him if I _____ see his watch. (Past Tense of May)
The doctor said that the patient _____ recover soon. (Possibility)
_____ you take care of your health? (Suggestion)
If I were rich, I _____ buy a car. (Condition)
He ______ sing and speak well. (Paste Tense of Ability)
I asked him if the Headmaster _____ give me admission. (Past Tense of Power)
You _____ have caught the train if you had run fast. (Past Tense of Possibility)