Adept at juggling vs adept in juggling

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

adept at juggling is the most popular phrase on the web. 

adept in juggling

1517 results on the web

adept at juggling

11,690 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Nov 22, 2010 ... Stress your ability to multitask and communicate efficiently. Employers want candidates who are adept in juggling various projects and quick to�...
  • They become adept in juggling these different roles � very useful in the workplace where they may have to work on multiple projects simultaneously. Interesting�...
  • pressured and demanding environments
  • Dedicated, self
  • motivated achiever who is committed to win every time and is adept in juggling multiple tasks in high
  • Adept in juggling multiple projects, programs, and events. Especially qualified in operations, program, and project management in the fields of education,�...
  • a�dept /adj. ??d?pt; n. ?�d?pt, ??d?pt/USA pronunciation adj. very skilled; proficient; expert:adept at juggling. n. ad�ept [countable]; an expert. a�dept�ly,adv.
  • Posted on: Thursday, November 4, 2004. Sugai adept at juggling books and balls at UH. �, UH's Kai, Sugai chosen all
  • not to mention the odd duckpin, Indian club or flaming torch�...
  • WAC first team. By Leila Wai Advertiser�...
  • Arthur Lewbel (Economics) is adept at juggling teaching and research, but add up to eight balls
  • When I was manager of England U/15s, Joe Cole (now with Chelsea) was just as adept at juggling and ball manipulation skills. The real challenge for these�...

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