All credits goes to you vs All credit go to you

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

All credits goes to you is the most popular phrase on the web. 

All credit go to you

113,400 results on the web

All credits goes to you

166,100 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • I'm all for giving medals to the gentleman upstairs, sir, but in this case credit should go to the National Health.
  • If you're famous today, some credit should go to me.
  • Besides, half the credit should go to the Fate helmet.
  • Half the credit must go to Mr Mitchell.
  • President for his undertaking that the ACP will ensure that the problem does not recur.
  • Great credit should go to Inspector Callahan.
  • We let credit go a week, and there is still time.
  • Great credit should go to the ACP Co
  • Well, all credit goes to this lady on my left.
  • He said, "All credit goes to Kevin."
  • The way Mrs Turner tells the tale, all credit goes to you, Sister.
  • Scott and his team.
  • All credit goes to Mrs Gradin for her attempts to meet our demands that the notion of public health must be understood in as broad a context as possible here.
  • If we achieve half as much of your patients, all the credit goes to you.
  • But the credit goes to you and your gifted hands.
  • All credit goes to Mrs De Keyser and her team as well as to Mr McMillan

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