Appeal to people's patriotism vs appeal to the audience's patriotissm

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

appeal to people's patriotism is the most popular phrase on the web. 

appeal to the audience's patriotissm

10 results on the web

appeal to people's patriotism

124 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • It doesn't look like this phrase is very popular! The search could not find any examples on the internet.
  • Jan 21, 2013 ... One of the students asked, �Did you try to appeal to people's patriotism instead of paying them bonuses? Did you say, 'This is important for our�...
  • By naming the certificates Baledy ('My country') the authorities are aiming to appeal to people's patriotism. A previous dollar certificate issued by NBE to�...
  • Mar 4, 2013 ... The campaign was designed to appeal to people's patriotism and the Treasury swung the weight of Hollywood behind it. Huge rallies were�...
  • Dec 27, 2012 ... In televised comments, Putin tried to appeal to people's patriotism by suggesting that strong and responsible countries should take care of their�...

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