Are usually existed in vs are often existed in

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

are usually existed in is the most popular phrase on the web. 

are often existed in

166 results on the web

are usually existed in

11,250 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • We Greens are often reproached as being busybodies.
  • English words are often borrowed by other languages.
  • Commercial vehicles are often built in stages.
  • Commercial raw materials are often deliberate mixtures of several components.
  • Peaceful demonstrations are often suppressed with unnecessary brutality.
  • Everything that existed in 1994 still exists.
  • That double legitimacy existed in the Convention.
  • Serial killers are often substance abusers.
  • The victims are usually children under five.
  • My callers are usually psychologists from cornfield universities.
  • Transformers are usually purchased under framework agreements.
  • Orcas are usually nice and smart.
  • They are usually relatives or friends.
  • That double legitimacy existed in the Convention.
  • Everything that existed in 1994 still exists.
  • Cases like this are usually hopeless.

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