Both of them didn't go vs Both didn't go

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

both of them didn't go is the most popular phrase on the web. 

Both didn't go

1216,000 results on the web

both of them didn't go

1338,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • I insist you both go to bed at once.
  • Too bad I don't go both ways.
  • That means you both can't go to lunch at the same time.
  • 'I think we both know it didn't go as well as we'd have liked. 'But I've heard from your previous employer and she speaks of you in glowing terms.
  • I think both go? be filled.
  • Now, go erase that footage before we both go to prison.
  • 'I think we both know it didn't go as well as we'd have liked.
  • We can both go home now.
  • Too bad I don't go both ways.
  • I need the both of you to go over everything.
  • Actually, I was thinking maybe both of us could go.
  • Both of you better go upstairs.
  • We can both go home now.
  • That means you both can't go to lunch at the same time.
  • Both of you go somewhere far away and stay there.
  • Both of my kids go to public school.

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