Comments concerning your opinion vs comments about your opinion

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

comments concerning your opinion is the most popular phrase on the web. 

comments about your opinion

14 results on the web

comments concerning your opinion

17 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • No, that was not a comment about your wife.
  • No comment or second opinions about any of this at Langley, either.
  • Priya just made a snide comment about your acting career.
  • For the record, that nasty comment about your mommy was made by Aunt Savannah.
  • Just imagine it... Putting your pictures up on Twitter Just to have some people write comments about your weight.
  • I was out of line with that comment about your sister.
  • I also have a few more comments about your communication for the Laeken Summit. I consider that it contains some extremely interesting ideas that are worth supporting.
  • I made one comment about your life, and it hurt you, and I'm so sorry.
  • Comments concerning AFS (according to paragraphs 3.2.6 and of the Regulation): ...
  • We are asking whether there are any comments concerning the Minutes.
  • I wish to end with a comment concerning the procedure.
  • This Chamber has heard other comments concerning agriculture.
  • No written comments concerning the causation of injury were received following the imposition of provisional measures.
  • Mr President, we would like to add three comments concerning the Budget at this reading.
  • I have some comments concerning the legal aspect.
  • The exporting producers submitted some general comments concerning the interpretation of the concept of specificity.

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