Concentrate on vs concentrate upon

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

concentrate on is the most popular phrase on the web. 

concentrate upon

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concentrate on

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • I wish I had much more time to talk about it, but I want to concentrate upon what is most urgent, namely the issue of Chechnya.
  • I'd found it in the mid '80s preferable to try and concentrate upon on those things that only comics could achieve.
  • I shall concentrate upon two parts of the report: those relating to Israel/Palestine and to women's right to determine their own lives.
  • All of these are issues we can concentrate upon.
  • I hope that this discussion will, in the first place, concentrate upon Kosovo so that the desperate situation there might be remedied.
  • With so many Member States, it would have been sensible to concentrate upon rather fewer issues at EU level so as to be more effective in these areas.
  • The other element we want to concentrate upon is the six legislative texts.
  • This means that the Austrians are obliged to concentrate upon railway capacity through Austria.
  • The programme must concentrate on passing on knowledge and exchanging information.
  • EU programmes concentrate on the north and northeast of Afghanistan.
  • And I concentrate on the environment.
  • Firstly, the Vienna Council wanted to concentrate on employment.
  • Sapard funding should concentrate on meeting EU standards.
  • Your rapporteur has therefore decided to concentrate on these two problems.
  • Progress in the Four Common Spaces is important, but we should concentrate on achieving qualitative progress instead of setting deadlines.
  • It is making it very difficult to concentrate on my work.

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