Could you please confirm that do we need to send out the interest invoice to client? vs could you please confirm to send out the interest invoice to client

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

Could you please confirm that do we need to send out the interest invoice to client? is the most popular phrase on the web. 

could you please confirm to send out the interest invoice to client

165,100,000 results on the web

Could you please confirm that do we need to send out the interest invoice to client?

169,500,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Could you please confirm that, James?
  • session.
  • Could you please confirm to me that this accusation is a malicious lie and that an appropriate public answer will be given by the Commission to Mr Farage?
  • Could you please bring out the sauternes now?
  • Hence my request: could you please confirm that you do not support any agreement which allows more than 50% emissions trading to take place outside one's own country.
  • Could you please confirm that the abovementioned investigation has taken or is taking place?
  • Could you please confirm to us from the chair that our delegation to Johannesburg had orders from the Bureau itself to leave for Europe by Sunday at the latest in order to attend September's part
  • Could you please confirm that this will be translated as 'public interest'?
  • Could you please confirm to us from the chair that our delegation to Johannesburg had orders from the Bureau itself to leave for Europe by Sunday at the latest in order to attend September's part
  • Secondly, will you please confirm that the Czech Republic will not be tempted to follow the Irish example and seek to pull apart the Lisbon package?
  • Could you please confirm that this will be translated as 'public interest'?
  • Could you please confirm that, James?
  • Please confirm that is your view.
  • Please, can you please confirm that this is your hand.
  • Hence my request: could you please confirm that you do not support any agreement which allows more than 50% emissions trading to take place outside one's own country.
  • Could you please confirm that the abovementioned investigation has taken or is taking place?

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