Could you please send me revise letter vs could you please send me revised letter

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

could you please send me revise letter is the most popular phrase on the web. 

could you please send me revised letter

15,630,000 results on the web

could you please send me revise letter

17,780,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Could you please send the maid service?
  • Mr President, on behalf of the European Parliament could you please send a letter calling for the protection of these workers to the company, to its European owners Anglo American, BHP Billiton and Glencore International, as well as to the Colombian authorities.
  • Could you please send the maid service?
  • Could you please send in my 9:15.
  • Mr President, could you please send for a technician?
  • Doris, could you please send in our high school mascot?
  • Please send me lots of manuscripts.
  • "Director, sir, could you please send an awl to our funeral?"
  • Mr President, on behalf of the European Parliament could you please send a letter calling for the protection of these workers to the company, to its European owners Anglo American, BHP Billiton and Glencore International, as well as to the Colombian authorities.
  • Please send me lots of manuscripts.
  • Mr President, could you please send for a technician?
  • Could you please send the maid service?
  • Doris, could you please send in our high school mascot?
  • Could you please send in my 9:15.
  • Could you please send the maid service?
  • "Director, sir, could you please send an awl to our funeral?"

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