Days are painful vs it was painful days

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

days are painful is the most popular phrase on the web. 

it was painful days

10 results on the web

days are painful

1161 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • It doesn't look like this phrase is very popular! The search could not find any examples on the internet.
  • Mar 11, 2015 ... My days are painful to the point that I can no longer ignore the pain and lack of energy. I can't empty my dishwasher without having to stop and�...
  • Cold days are painful, warm days are comfortable, but I feel I pull a new muscle when I try to stand up, sit down, lay down and walk. My doc is great with�...
  • Some days are painful, inefficient, and uncertain. Perhaps you've experienced some of the following issues, just as thousands of other QuickBooks users:.
  • The contractions I am having every few days are painful in my uterus and causes my lower back to hurt too. My doctor won't give me any advice as to what's�...

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