Direct our attention vs address our attention

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

direct our attention is the most popular phrase on the web. 

address our attention

1133,000 results on the web

direct our attention

1263,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Madam President, the Moluccas require our attention once again.
  • The reports as provided for in Article 9 shall address particular attention to this requirement.
  • That trumpet noise, getting our attention.
  • His wife and children deserve our attention.
  • We should address the demand side: this is where we should focus our attention.
  • We certainly have to address and direct our attention to the major challenge involved in stabilising and reforming the financial system.
  • Today I also appeal for international attention to address efforts to free the British engineer, Anthony S., and five other European hostages, who worked at a local hospital in Yemen and who remain kidnapped since last June.
  • We address a series of new issues, such as aviation, and we also turn our attention to new technologies, such as carbon capture, which offer opportunities for taking financially efficient measures to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
  • I regard the EU as a union of values and am in favour of several of the wordings in the report which direct our attention to the vulnerable position of children around the world.
  • We must also direct our attention to those countries which are very weak in terms of economic development and have poorly developed economies.
  • We certainly have to address and direct our attention to the major challenge involved in stabilising and reforming the financial system.
  • We must direct our attention back to the war at hand.
  • Instead he has chosen to direct our attention to the challenges of a major pressing issue, that of migration.
  • Fifthly, the time has come to direct our attention, not just to anti
  • personnel mines but to all mines, as well as to other types of weapons that have the capacity to go on killing after a conflict has finished, an example being cluster bombs.
  • So we need to direct our attention in the right sort of way.

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