Do you happen to know where we could find this vs Do you happen to know where we can find this

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

Do you happen to know where we could find this is the most popular phrase on the web. 

Do you happen to know where we can find this

11 results on the web

Do you happen to know where we could find this

18,130,000,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Maybe they'll know where we can find the guy.
  • And I know where we can find a stuffed bear.
  • I know where we can find answers.
  • Maybe they know where we can find some water.
  • And I'll bet I know where we can find it.
  • Does anybody know where we can find this Doug?
  • She thinks she knows where we can find Derek.
  • I know where we can find Anson Fullerton.
  • Do you have any idea where we could find Dave?
  • Do either of you know where we could find a place to camp around here?
  • You wouldn't happen to know where we could find this Lucy?
  • Kobayashi told us where we could find Fenster.
  • I'd be greatly in your debt if you'd tell me where we could find him.
  • They called us to tell where we could find him.
  • Dude let us know where we could find you all.
  • Do you have any idea where we could find Campbell now?

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