Due to power cut many times vs due to power cut for many times

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

due to power cut many times is the most popular phrase on the web. 

due to power cut for many times

132,100,000 results on the web

due to power cut many times

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Greece's energy requirements appear to outstrip by far existing electricity production capacity, which leads to power cuts in the country.
  • Calls for consideration in the future of a policy of burying medium and low
  • cuts for industry and private individuals and of not marring sites of natural beauty and the countryside;
  • How many times following a tragic incident on the motorways of Europe has the accident proven to be due to human error?
  • The stress tests must answer our questions about safety and take account of all possible forms of danger, from terrorist attacks to power cuts.
  • voltage electricity lines which would have the two
  • And we must demand that the Sudanese authorities allow that aid to reach the displaced civil population because if it does not, the same thing will happen again as happens so many times due to the causes we are all aware of.
  • fold advantage of preventing power
  • Greece's energy requirements appear to outstrip by far existing electricity production capacity, which leads to power cuts in the country.
  • The stress tests must answer our questions about safety and take account of all possible forms of danger, from terrorist attacks to power cuts.
  • It may be necessary to interrupt the test if the test plant can no longer be operated properly due to power failure or the malfunction of a subassembly.
  • And we must demand that the Sudanese authorities allow that aid to reach the displaced civil population because if it does not, the same thing will happen again as happens so many times due to the causes we are all aware of.
  • The new pizza container could be a new way to protect the environment, because it can be used many times, unlike the boxes currently in use which are not recyclable due to the presence of food.
  • I would also draw your attention to the fact that choosing the sea route for the pipeline means an increase in the price of gas, due to the fact that this route costs many times more than construction overland.
  • asks in particular the Commission to provide, before 1 June 2003, information on the criteria for suspending aid due to violation of the Human Rights and how many times this has happened;
  • How many times following a tragic incident on the motorways of Europe has the accident proven to be due to human error?

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