Employ methods vs adopt methods

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

employ methods is the most popular phrase on the web. 

adopt methods

164,600 results on the web

employ methods

1126,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • They must instead adopt methods focused, above all, on scientific content and cognitive processes; on effective learning and teaching.
  • adopt methods of calculating the energy value of compound feedingstuffs;
  • Despite evidence of its carcinogenicity, the tobacco companies have failed to adopt methods of removing the Po
  • We must invest in health, we must adopt methods for promoting health at all ages, and we must adopt measures related to tobacco, food, alcohol and other factors affecting health.
  • adopt methods to permit verification of compliance of honey with the provisions of this Directive.
  • It is crucial that we adopt methods to improve selectivity and, therefore, the possibility of catching fish at the right size, taking account of biology and the life cycle of each individual species.
  • 210 from tobacco.
  • adopt methods of analysis to ensure compliance with the compositional characteristics and additional specific statements for all honey marketed in the European Community.
  • fighting resources.
  • Support for specific methods of land management should contribute to sustainable development by encouraging farmers and forest holders in particular to employ methods of land use compatible with the need to preserve the natural environment and landscape and protect and improve resources.
  • Women in general, and educated, multilingual women in particular have excellent communication and negotiation skills, and as managers they employ methods that are different from their male counterparts.
  • Whereas, to enable Member States to determine the level of biodegradability of non
  • These agricultural models contribute to food security, as they employ methods and procedures proven for generations in individual regions of the EU.
  • ionic surfactants, it is advisable to employ methods of testing already in use for this purpose in certain Member States;
  • Given the numerous forest fires in Europe, especially in its southern regions, and their severe economic and ecological consequences, it is essential to employ methods serving to gauge the fire risk and marshal the available prevention and fire
  • Whereas, to enable Member States to determine the level of biodegradability of the anionic surfactant, it is advisable to employ methods of testing already in use for this purpose in certain Member States;

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