- As RIS provides skippers with more accurate and reliable information by means of electronic charts, there should be significantly less subjective error and ultimately therefore significantly fewer accidents.
- This proposal does not excessively constrain action by the Member States, and it should also lead to significantly less subjective error and fewer accidents.
- Note R: The classification as a carcinogen need not apply to fibres with a length weighted geometric mean diameter less two standard geometric errors greater than 6 µm.
- And as you go up, those are the bigger trials, so they've got less error in them.
- The classification as a carcinogen need not apply to fibres with a length weighted geometric mean diameter, less two standard errors, greater than 6?m.
- The slides shall be of sufficiently high quality and contrast toenable measurements to be carried out with an error of less than 5 %.
- The classification as a carcinogen need not apply to fibres with a length weighted geometric mean diameter, less two standard errors, greater than 6?m.
- The slide must be of sufficiently high quality and contrast to enable measurement to be carried out with an error of less than 5 %.
- Indeed, fewer errors are usually produced by such a process compared to an identification process (1 to n comparison) which presents higher error rates.
- We need a simplification of the application processes so that, first of all, fewer errors are made, and, secondly, so that access for those people who really want to work can be made easier through this European cohesion policy.
- This proposal does not excessively constrain action by the Member States, and it should also lead to significantly less subjective error and fewer accidents.
- To conclude, reduction of the regulatory burden and national declarations of assurance should lead to fewer errors in financial management.
- As RIS provides skippers with more accurate and reliable information by means of electronic charts, there should be significantly less subjective error and ultimately therefore significantly fewer accidents.
- This is why it has also been concluded, here, that the Union's agricultural policy has a high error rate, but where procedures for the use of funds have been simplified, there are fewer errors than where it is more complicated.
- In the same way, the less time these actors need to prepare applications, the fewer errors they will make.
- When you have fewer declaration obligations, you have fewer risks of error.