In the following vs furthermore

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

in the following is the most popular phrase on the web. 


1356,000,000 results on the web

in the following

12,910,000,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Developers may furthermore benefit from extra exposure on Windows Store.
  • payment system for corporations and consumers.
  • Drought, furthermore, is not just a 'problem for farmers'.
  • Various lawyers furthermore argue state that the above tax contravenes Article 49 of the EC Treaty.
  • RB furthermore operates an e
  • Two were furthermore rejected for economic reasons.
  • They furthermore underlined the importance of cooperation between nationally recognised agencies with a view to enhancing the mutual recognition of accreditation or quality assurance decisions.
  • invoicing and e
  • Secondly, other assets held for sale, comprising shareholdings in the following companies: Langal�na 2 ehf.
  • Mr. Despereaux's belongings will therefore be distributed in the following manner.
  • To get enough detail in the following chapters.
  • Much improvement potential lies in the following issues:
  • And your addiction has affected us in the following ways.
  • As such the criteria graphically depicted in the following decision tree would work on a sequential process.
  • Some related techniques are described in the following sections.
  • This occurs systematically in the following three cases:

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