Give a speech on vs give a speech about

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

give a speech on is the most popular phrase on the web. 

give a speech about

1254,000 results on the web

give a speech on

1729,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • And one time, in school, We had to give a speech about our "most important being"
  • And didn't you give me a speech about getting to know different sides of you?
  • And one time, in school, We had to give a speech about our "most important being" And kids were, like, talking about their mother
  • Well, I understand that, but this would give each individual Lion a chance to stand up and give a little impromptu speech about the coach.
  • Didn't you give me a speech about using up your chances?
  • Kyle gives a big speech about tolerance and acceptance that goes viral.
  • And I could stand here and give you a big speech about second chances and promise to work harder than ever before.
  • He gives me a speech about 25 years to life, and what do you think?
  • Excuse me, you have the floor in order to answer a personal question, not to give a speech on this, and you have already responded to the personal question.
  • I pretended to have one in sixth grade Because I didn't want to give a speech On the missouri compromise.
  • This is why my colleague Chris Patten, who hoped to give a speech on external relations with particular emphasis on the fight against terrorism, could not attend this debate.
  • How about we go hear Dr. Warren, world famous urologist, give a speech on kidney stones at Mobile Hospital?
  • Well, I threatened to give them a speech on civility, like you did, but that didn't work.
  • Okay, I'm only here to give a speech on residual limb health, and that is it.
  • He has to give a speech on keeping cool in a crisis.
  • I have to give a speech on the laparoscopic repair of diaphragmatic injuries in an hour and a half.

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