Had a stance vs showed a stance

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

had a stance is the most popular phrase on the web. 

showed a stance

136 results on the web

had a stance

1767 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • a stance phase inhibition apparent
  • phase; GL 09 showed
  • Apr 2, 2007 ... Some stroke subjects showed a stance time asymmetry during the Baseline period with a shorter stance time on the paretic leg. Just as was�...
  • a stance that supports the�...
  • ly interrupted by a typical P2 response that was not present during swing phase, when P2 re?exes in�...
  • Feb 22, 2015 ... ... need for an aggressive pursuit of a 2 percent inflation goal or additional monetary easing, a Reuters poll showed
  • Brian Dorf of eFilm Critic observed that Curt Johnson showed "a stance of directorial bravery that is seldom showcased," and appeared to not be "taking a side�...
  • �I had purpose and something to speak. I had a stance. It's not just confidence I have in myself. It's really a confidence I found in Christ. He showed me who to be.
  • �I'm just heterosexual and have always had a stance. Being heterosexual, being a woman and being a mother should give me enough right to embrace that�...
  • Dec 19, 2013 ... JaxPaPa. Wes Covington had a stance, unlike anyone else. brohart. Musial, results speak, only player in top 25 of every offensive category�...
  • A Korean fighter like Chuck Norris had a stance that allowed him to kick efficiently while still being able to punch as it was not too deep or too narrow. A fighter�...

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