He was also a vs He also was a

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

He was also a is the most popular phrase on the web. 

He also was a

12,150,000 results on the web

He was also a

121,200,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • he also was a musician besides an inventor
  • He also said there was a view.
  • It was invented around the 1920s, and the inventor, Léon Theremin
  • It was invented around the 1920s, and the inventor, Léon Theremin
  • he came up with the idea for making the theremin, I think, when he was working on some shortwave radios.
  • he also was a musician besides an inventor
  • He was also making a synthetic brew.
  • He was also a nice young man.
  • Unfortunately, he was also a drunk.
  • He was also a temperate man who did notjudge before...
  • He was also a sorcerer and used to read the future in the entrails of the animals he cooked.
  • He was also a mechanic.
  • And if you choose to believe he was also a Grand Master of the Priory as well.
  • He was also a classic car restorer and dealer, which tells us that he was fastidious, competitive, careful, respectful of design, social and gregarious.
  • He was also a close associate of Mohammed Omar.

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