He doesn't know anything about sports. vs He doesn't know nothing about sports.

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

He doesn't know anything about sports. is the most popular phrase on the web. 

He doesn't know nothing about sports.

10 results on the web

He doesn't know anything about sports.

190 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • It doesn't look like this phrase is very popular! The search could not find any examples on the internet.
  • But he doesn't know anything about sports so he's not actually able to make that assessment. The average sports talk radio has the quality of�...
  • Aug 25, 2009 ...He doesn't know anything about sports, but I knew he could apply his own obsessions and interests to the movie. When Paul would go on�...
  • He can talk to you about anything you bring up. Well not exactly. I guess there are a few things he doesn't know about. He doesn't know anything about sports.".
  • He doesn't know anything about sports." Together the two men picked out a site for a new laboratory for the project. It had to be isolated, but it needed to be�...

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