Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:
Health care services is the most popular phrase on the web.
Healthcare services
112,600,000 results on the web
Health care services
165,200,000 results on the web
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Some examples and use cases from the internet:
Some examples and use cases from the internet:
- border provision of healthcare services represents an important step towards a real free movement of people.
- Simplification of the cross
- free access to public healthcare services beyond emergency care.
- In six of the Member States studied, undocumented migrants have no cost
- Healthcare services are significant employers and generate economic prosperity through associated sectors such as health research and innovation, with particular opportunities arising in the emerging economies.
- Patients may thus travel elsewhere to obtain better quality, quicker or cheaper healthcare services.
- In Northern Ireland, projects have been piloted around the border counties which ensure that people can benefit from the most appropriately located healthcare services.
- Governments must fulfil their duty of ensuring public healthcare services for the entire population, since this is an elementary right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- Question 26 (Zuzana Roithová): Health care services in the proposal for a directive on services in the internal market.
- In such systems, there is a certain degree of competition between hospitals concerning the provision of health care services.
- Subject: Health care services in the proposal for a directive on services in the internal market
- Is concerned that private organisations receiving EU funding and providing health care services for African populations may, under the influence of religious movements, restrict certain types of reproductive health care and preventive treatment;
- Question 26 (Zuzana Roithová): Health care services in the proposal for a directive on services in the internal market
- Emphasises that, in the area of reproductive health, private organisations receiving EU funding must provide health care services in accordance with fundamental rights and the principles of human dignity and personal freedom;
- The project objective was to improve the quality and accessibility of health care services.
- ensuring universal and equal access to health care services;
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