Hope that the Polish-Turkish relations will be further developed vs hope that Polish-Turkish relations will be further developed

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

hope that the Polish-Turkish relations will be further developed is the most popular phrase on the web. 

hope that Polish-Turkish relations will be further developed

194,200 results on the web

hope that the Polish-Turkish relations will be further developed

1360,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Mr Remek also does not expect a major breakthrough in this forum where national interests compete either, but he hopes that the framework for future energy relations will be defined.
  • I hope that there will be further and better clarification once Council has met.
  • I am wholly in agreement, and I sincerely hope that the cooperation which we have succeeded in establishing will be further developed during the coming years.
  • The Commission hopes that the process of talks between Greece and Turkey
  • These are very positive developments and the Commission hopes that in 2009 the trend will be further confirmed.
  • aimed at addressing certain issues arising in bilateral relations
  • will reach a positive outcome.
  • I sincerely hope that these relations will be increasingly close and mutually beneficial.
  • It hopes that the improvement in cross
  • strait relations will also be conducive to finding pragmatic solutions on the question of Taiwan's involvement in international fora.
  • aimed at addressing certain issues arising in bilateral relations
  • I sincerely hope that these relations will be increasingly close and mutually beneficial.
  • will reach a positive outcome.
  • Mr Remek also does not expect a major breakthrough in this forum where national interests compete either, but he hopes that the framework for future energy relations will be defined.
  • The Commission hopes that the process of talks between Greece and Turkey
  • We hope that the improvement witnessed over recent weeks in transatlantic relations will not turn sour, and that it will prove possible to overturn the current vote.

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