How to bake a cake vs how to make a cake

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

how to bake a cake is the most popular phrase on the web. 

how to make a cake

13,470,000 results on the web

how to bake a cake

14,530,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • She couldn't be bothered to make a cake, she bought it.
  • Kate knows how to make a cake.
  • We've bought some flour to make a cake
  • So this one is about Arduino projects, the page you see on the screen, but effectively here you can learn how to make a cake and everything else.
  • I need some sugar to make a cake.
  • I'm going to make a cake for Mary's birthday.
  • No, I thought you'd like to make a cake.
  • They decide to make a cake, and in order to make it really tasty, they throw everything that they like into the pot.
  • We wanted to bake a cake, Bibi.
  • And we'll need to bake a cake for aftenuards.
  • Veronica called and said you wanted me to bake a cake for Zach tonight.
  • Mary's birthday will be soon. I am going to bake a cake for her.
  • I tried to bake a cake like that district 9 prawn thing, But I...
  • You asked me to kill my friend, carline, not to bake a cake.
  • Drink some tea, answer the phone, bake a cake.
  • I can't wait to watch him show me how to bake a cake.

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