I have participated in the first meeting vs I have participated on the first meeting

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

I have participated in the first meeting is the most popular phrase on the web. 

I have participated on the first meeting

1110,000,000 results on the web

I have participated in the first meeting

1111,000,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee.
  • Enrique BAR�N CRESPO (E), for the PES group, welcomed the report on the first meeting of the IGC.
  • The Commission participated in the first meeting in Skopje and has strongly encouraged a continuation of this process.
  • On the first point, I have the following to say.
  • From the first meeting in committee onwards, I have always emphasised that the stress test is voluntary.
  • Nevertheless, according to the Spanish authorities, Radiodifusi�n could have participated on equal terms with all other network operators by digitising one of its transmitting centres already carrying the public national or regional analogue television signal.
  • I have a comment on Amendment 1 on the first report.
  • Madam President, I have just returned from Iceland after attending the first meeting of the EU
  • Once I have participated in the national Rugby tournament.
  • I have participated in a conspiracy to hide those crimes.
  • I have seen this during successive Intergovernmental Conferences, some of which I have participated in very directly.
  • Mr President, I have participated in every question time since 1994, but I have never seen a scandal of this magnitude.
  • I have participated in a conspiracy to hide those crimes.
  • I appreciate very much that President Cox participated in the first session of our meeting on terrorism.
  • The Commission participated in the first meeting in Skopje and has strongly encouraged a continuation of this process.
  • I have participated in these debates from the very beginning.

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