- In addition, I propose leaving tried and tested instruments for market regulation untouched.
- foot home in Harbor Shallows
- In addition, leaving aside the qualification of aid or not, decision N 401/97 indicated that, in order to finance the investment programme, bank loans would be raised at normal market conditions without State guarantees.
- another serious problem is the segregated education of disadvantaged children.
- In addition, I'm leaving the keys to my 10,000
- which typically affects children and young people from disadvantaged families
- In addition to early school leaving
- square
- Pregnant women shall, in addition to the leave provided for in Article 57, be entitled on production of a medical certificate to twenty weeks of leave.
- It is correct that, on the basis of Article 61 of the Staff Regulations, officials are granted public holidays (including office closing days) in addition to their leave days.
- In addition, concerned not to leave any avenue unexplored, the Commission has examined whether the guidelines for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty might not be applicable to the case in question.
- In addition to the cassava leaves, I found gelatin and plant polysaccharides.
- Is it correct that, in addition to their leave days, officials are granted office closing days, for example between Christmas and New Year?
- In addition to annual leave, a staff member may, on application, be granted special leave.
- Special leave shall be granted, in addition to annual leave, for illness, maternity or exceptional circumstances.
- Special leave, such as sick, maternity, paternity or parental leave or leave for exceptional circumstances, shall be granted, in addition to annual leave.