In bali vs At Bali

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

In bali is the most popular phrase on the web. 

At Bali

1507,000 results on the web

In bali

123,700,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • At Bali, the international community unambiguously recognised that the destruction of forests is one of the main causes of climate change and must be stopped as a matter of urgency.
  • And, if anything, the Conference at Bali proved how important it was that Europe can speak with a single voice on those areas where the European Union has the powers to make those decisions and the ability to act on the global stage.
  • Of course, some would prefer clusters (reduction, adaptation, technology, funding) to establishing the main points of agreement at Bali, which is the position held by the EU.
  • Finally, I believe that the major innovation at Bali was the inclusion, for the first time, of the issue of deforestation which, as part of the Bali Action Plan, will be discussed with a view to its inclusion in the future Protocol.
  • The Committee welcomes the recognition at Bali by all countries that new and additional resources and investment channels and mechanisms will be needed to handle this transfer.
  • This seems to me to be highly appropriate since, at Bali, as we have been reminded, a road map to Copenhagen was decided, with sufficiently precise stages and outlines.
  • The Roadmap for the negotiations agreed at Bali identified four main building blocks for the negotiations:
  • At Bali the EU must do all it can to achieve a negotiating mandate to allow global warming to remain under two degrees.
  • I was meeting your mother in Bali, and they cancelled the flight.
  • Artigas' biggest house is his villa in Bali.
  • Madam President, the meeting in Bali was a failure.
  • It had hoped for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi before its next summit in Bali in October.
  • Our sympathy and condolences go out to all those who suffered bereavement and horrendous injury in Bali.
  • I want my bag here in Bali by tomorrow.
  • Mr President, the results in Bali were very meagre.
  • Washington adopted the same attitude in Bali.

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