- In that context, it may be observed that the capital injection will only occur in the stress case and is limited to an amount of EUR 3,3 billion. The recapitalisation will ensure that the merged entity will fulfil the relevant regulatory capital requirements.
- However, it may be observed that while the issuing of coins is a prerogative of the public authorities, their manufacture is a traditional industrial activity, as is the production of notes.
- It may be observed that Parliament takes the lead when it comes to efforts to open up our institutions.
- Particularly in the case of SMEs, it may be observed that, while this part of the business sector possesses significant potential for job creation, in the absence of financial incentives this currently remains largely unexploited.
- It may be observed in passing that the Commission defines the 'business sector' as 'private enterprises irrespective of their size and State
- However, it may be observed that the question may be problematic in several respects.
- On the contrary, it may be observed that there is a clear relationship between the quality of the environment and the wealth of a nation.
- In rural areas in particular it may be observed that the population for this reason frequently makes recourse to traditional fuels made from biomass, such as charcoal ovens.
- In particular, it can be observed that as of 2000 the Community industry did not, in relative terms, keep pace with the increase of Community consumption and the strong evolution of its Indian competitors on the Community market.
- With regard to India though, it can be observed that starting in 2003 imports increased considerably (IP: 1147,6 tonnes) at low prices (average 1,91 EUR/kg).
- In addition, it can be observed that the competitive background in which Combus was operating differed from that of DPLP.
- At the same time, though, I say that, if we break down the overall picture of emissions in the European Union, it can be observed that some are already heavily involved in reducing greenhouse gases and others are not.
- First, it can be observed that when both AEE and Lentjes were bidding, they usually faced Martin/CNIM, Fisia, and KAB Takuma on a regular basis in these tenders.
- In the ten countries which joined the European Union on 1 May 2004, it can be observed that industrial parks generally match the types described in point 2.1.
- Indeed, in the case at hand it can be observed that the increase in the volume element of dumped imports had a particularly decisive injurious effect on the Community industry after the lapse of the quota.
- Although it is possible to achieve lower limits of quantification (LOQ), it can be observed that a considerable number of laboratories apply an LOQ of 1 ?g/kg fat or even 2 ?g/kg fat.