Item is broken please use until further notice vs Please use printer until further notice

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

Item is broken please use until further notice is the most popular phrase on the web. 

Please use printer until further notice

117,600,000 results on the web

Item is broken please use until further notice

163,200,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • All planes are grounded until further notice.
  • Shut down all elevators until further notice.
  • Travel period: until further notice.
  • All appointments at Allsafe are cancelled until further notice.
  • Suspend all flight operations until further notice.
  • All personnel are required to disembark until further notice.
  • You are grounded until further notice.
  • Sugar mountain coastal charters will remain closed until further notice.
  • Travel period: until further notice.
  • Suspend all flight operations until further notice.
  • Shut down all elevators until further notice.
  • All planes are grounded until further notice.
  • All appointments at Allsafe are cancelled until further notice.
  • (2) The reporting of this item is voluntary until further notice.
  • Sugar mountain coastal charters will remain closed until further notice.
  • All personnel are required to disembark until further notice.

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