Few plastic bag vs less plastic bag

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

few plastic bag is the most popular phrase on the web. 

less plastic bag

151,100 results on the web

few plastic bag

1133,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • I just need a plastic bag.
  • Will the Commission support the decision already taken by a number of Member States, including Italy, to eliminate plastic bags by means of their phased replacement with biodegradable forms of packaging that are less damaging to the environment?
  • In addition, the production of paper bags generates greater quantities of water pollutants than that of plastic bags, and plastic takes less energy to recycle than paper.
  • Thank you for calling Glad, stronger trash bags with less plastic.
  • Is it aware that, although certain Member States have adopted legislation seeking to reduce the number of plastic bags used as packaging and encourage the recycling and re
  • 1900s Casanova found in plastic bag.
  • use thereof, the results have been less than encouraging? 2.
  • I'm sorry to keep banging on about it, but this whole racing car costs less than this plastic bag full of sticks.
  • Clear environmental damage, waste, litter and wildlife concerns are attributed to the use of plastic bags across Europe.
  • 1900s Casanova found in plastic bag.
  • The operator uses plastic bags from Ukraine, of a value of 0,5 Euros.
  • The witness states, 'A few days ago, one of the jailers showed me a plastic bag containing human organs.
  • As the Commission may know, plastic bags take over 500 years to biodegrade.
  • I give you plastic bag from kitchen.
  • Wait, I give you plastic bag.
  • I just need a plastic bag.

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