On the first and second floors vs on the first and second floor

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

on the first and second floors is the most popular phrase on the web. 

on the first and second floor

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on the first and second floors

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • ... ad impression from the multiple advertising networks;. and. determine eligible bids based on the first and second floor values and select an ad auction winner.
  • ACCOMMODATIONS. ROOMS. POOL SIDE ROOMS. KING DELUXE POOLSIDE ROOM Poolside King rooms are located poolside on the first and second floor.
  • Dec 8, 2014 ... Hey, I have an issue right here. I don't know whether my answer is correct or not. The work on the first and second floor has been completed. or
  • These spacious rooms come with a king bed, a sitting area, a medium size fridge and bathroom. Located on the first and second floor. Daily prices range from�...
  • On the first and second floors of the library, please keep your cell phone calls quiet and brief. On all floors, please silence your cell phones for the benefit of all �...
  • Q: I have fireplaces on the first and second floors of my house. When I light the fireplace on the first floor, smoke pours out of the second floor fireplace. When I�...
  • Willamette University students, faculty, and staff can use any of the public computers located on the first and second floors. Parents, family, and visitors to�...
  • We are pleased to announce that 4 new lecture theatres and study areas, �The Curve�, located on the first and second floors of the KK Leung Building will open �...

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