One of the options in mind now vs One of the options in my mind now

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

One of the options in mind now is the most popular phrase on the web. 

One of the options in my mind now

1685,000,000 results on the web

One of the options in mind now

1688,000,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Select one of the options in the Attach menu.
  • I am asking her for an assurance that Parliament's call for a legal base for monitoring European companies' actions in third countries will be included as one of the options in the Green Paper.
  • One of the things he used to say that ticks in my mind every time I look at this.
  • It's just that I have other things in my mind now.
  • In my mind, I even imagined my report like it was the trailer to one of those Tom Clancy Paramount thrillers.
  • There is no doubt in my mind that one of the most effective measures will be the completion of the internal market.
  • Member States may combine two or more of the options in points (a) to (d).
  • If there was any question in my mind about whether or not I should have broken up with you, there's no question in my mind now.
  • One of the options is possibly to set up an insurance system throughout Europe, which would also promote fair competition.
  • That was not one of the options!
  • You were raised with all of the options in the world Available to you, And I have next to nothing.
  • Member States may combine two or more of the options in points (a) to (d).
  • I am asking her for an assurance that Parliament's call for a legal base for monitoring European companies' actions in third countries will be included as one of the options in the Green Paper.
  • Name your alert using one of the options below:
  • Fine with me, as long as one of the options is killing you.
  • Select one of the options in the Attach menu.

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