Opinion like you vs opinion as you

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

opinion like you is the most popular phrase on the web. 

opinion as you

1598,000 results on the web

opinion like you

1863,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Grateful as I am for your assistance, nothing that's happened will change my opinion of you as a somewhat dangerous and subversive influence.
  • You will go out in your millions to demonstrate for peace and Arab public opinion will see you as supporting Saddam Hussein, whether you like it or not.
  • It's my opinion, do as you like, you're the one who has to live here.
  • to my opinion, as long as you're around... you should have it nice.
  • And l
  • Thank you, Mr Borloo, and Mr Dimas, too; your opinion as you expressed it is clear and will help us bring this difficult work to its conclusion with tomorrow's vote.
  • I have just as much right to my opinion as you or Chris.
  • I cannot conceal from you the fact that there is a considerable difference of opinion, as you well know, between the European Commission and several Member States as regards the interpretation of these directives.
  • Anyone who says I have opinions like you said, nate, he's not on my team.
  • It should be, but if you don't like my opinion, you'll just go doctor shopping until you get the letter you want.
  • Then you go out there and you voice your opinions like a star.
  • This opinion supplements earlier Committee opinions on energy and research policy.
  • In my opinion, a guy like you You should read it
  • Maybe, coming to verdict, credit others' opinion of you like you do what you think of Bill... still
  • Not to give my personal opinion, but my medical opinion.
  • Okay, well, it's good to get a second opinion like that.

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