- The Supervisory Committee had previously recommended that he undertake an analysis of OLAF's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) prior to the adoption of the new structure and as a point of reference for OLAF.
- At the present time, with the debate for the post
- Programmes may address fewer than six priorities if justified on the basis of the analysis of the situation in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats ("the SWOT") and the ex ante evaluation.
- Opportunities and threats in the current economic crisis
- 2013 CAP already under way, this proposal for simplification represents a test bench that can be used to highlight opportunities and threats and form the basis of a proposal for European agriculture in the future.
- a brief analysis, highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the eligible sectors and thematic priorities, under the regional development and human resources development components, where the beneficiary country intends to concentrate its assistance;
- an assessment of medium term needs and objectives, highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the relevant sectors, themes and regions;
- All these words and the ideas behind them can apply to both opportunities and threats.
- The Commission must clearly map the opportunities and threats within the global textiles sector without import quotas and formulate clear policy for the European textiles sector after 2008.
- To survive and prosper, Europe needs to face up to the challenges of globalisation, and we must rise to these challenges and see the opportunities and not just the threats.
- an assessment of medium term needs and objectives, highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the relevant sectors, themes and regions;
- They include: the increased complexity of consumer decision
- The description of the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the form of a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis aiming to identify the strategic choices made by the Member State for the operational programme and the priority axes.
- Opportunities and threats in the current economic crisis
- making, the need to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption, the opportunities and threats that digitalisation brings, an increase in social exclusion and the number of vulnerable consumers and an ageing population.
- an assessment of medium term needs and objectives, highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the relevant sectors, themes and regions;